ASP.NET Web Forms
size:32.9 MB
size after extracting :53.1 MB
3001 - Walkthrough: Creating an ASP.NET Web Forms App
3002 - Understanding Code Behind
3003 - Understanding Events, Postback and Page State
3004 - Understanding Request and Response Objects
3005 - Using the Application Object
3006 - Using the Session Object
3040 - Using Cascading Style Sheets
3041 - Previewing the Cascading Style Sheet
3042 - Creating a Style Rule
3060 - Creating a Frameset
3020 - Walkthrough: Creating a User Control
3030 - Tracing Using the Trace.AXD
3010 - ASP.NET Internals
9001 - Caching with ASP.NET
9005 - Creating an HTTP Handler
012703 - Setting Password Values in ASP.NET Text Boxes
012803 - Sending an Email in ASP.NET
013003 - Handling Exceptions Globally in ASP.NET
022603 - Fragment Caching with User Controls
022703 - Adding Data to Session
022803 - Beware of Absolute Positioning
031703 - Absolute Positioning Revisited
031903 - Passing Values Between Pages in ASP.NET
032603 - Creating Skins for your ASP.NET Apps
033103 - Creating a Scrollable Area in ASP.NET
041803 - Accepting PayPal Payments
050903 - Updating the Browser Capabilities Info
Saturday, February 21, 2009
size:53.3 MB
size after extracting :83.6 MB
2401 - SQL Data Connection Object
2402 - SQL Data Command Object
2403 - Using the Data Command's Parameter Collection
2404 - Sql DataReader Object
2405 - SqlDataAdapter
2450 - Dataset Concepts
2451 - Strongly Typed Datasets via DataAdapter
2452 - Strongly Typed Datasets via XML Schema Designer
2453 - Creating Untyped Datasets at Runtime
2454 - Creating Untyped Datasets using VS.NET Editors
2420 - Using Access in ADO.NET
2470 - Understanding Concurrency
2471 - Optimistic Concurrency
2472 - A "Home Grown" Pessimistic Concurrency Example
2473 - Pessimistic Concurrency Using Transactions
021203 - ADO.NET Connection Pooling
021803 - ADO.NET DataView
040203 - Persisting a Dataset to XML
040703 - Optimizing DataReader Data Access
040903 - Understanding DataRow States and Versions
041603 - DataColumns.Expression
Visual Studio.NET XML Designer
size:9.81 MB
size after extracting :13.8 MB
2501 - Walkthrough: Creating an XSD Schema
2502 - Walkthrough: Creating an XML Document based on a Schema
2503 - Walkthrough: Generating a DataSet from a Schema
2504 - XML Designer User Interface
2505 - Understanding Elements and Attributes
2506 - Creating Sub Elements (Unnamed Complex Types)
2507 - Understanding SimpleTypes and Facets
2508 - Understanding (Named) Complex Types
2509 - Understanding Groups
2510 - Understanding Keys
2511 - Understanding Relations
size:53.3 MB
size after extracting :83.6 MB
2401 - SQL Data Connection Object
2402 - SQL Data Command Object
2403 - Using the Data Command's Parameter Collection
2404 - Sql DataReader Object
2405 - SqlDataAdapter
2450 - Dataset Concepts
2451 - Strongly Typed Datasets via DataAdapter
2452 - Strongly Typed Datasets via XML Schema Designer
2453 - Creating Untyped Datasets at Runtime
2454 - Creating Untyped Datasets using VS.NET Editors
2420 - Using Access in ADO.NET
2470 - Understanding Concurrency
2471 - Optimistic Concurrency
2472 - A "Home Grown" Pessimistic Concurrency Example
2473 - Pessimistic Concurrency Using Transactions
021203 - ADO.NET Connection Pooling
021803 - ADO.NET DataView
040203 - Persisting a Dataset to XML
040703 - Optimizing DataReader Data Access
040903 - Understanding DataRow States and Versions
041603 - DataColumns.Expression
Visual Studio.NET XML Designer
size:9.81 MB
size after extracting :13.8 MB
2501 - Walkthrough: Creating an XSD Schema
2502 - Walkthrough: Creating an XML Document based on a Schema
2503 - Walkthrough: Generating a DataSet from a Schema
2504 - XML Designer User Interface
2505 - Understanding Elements and Attributes
2506 - Creating Sub Elements (Unnamed Complex Types)
2507 - Understanding SimpleTypes and Facets
2508 - Understanding (Named) Complex Types
2509 - Understanding Groups
2510 - Understanding Keys
2511 - Understanding Relations
Beginning C#
Beginning C#
size:18.3 MB
size after extracting :27.9 MB
2301 - C# Hello World and Creating Console Applications
2302 - C# If Statement
2303 - C# Switch Statement
2304 - C# For Loop
2305 - C# While Loop
2306 - C# Do Loop
2307 - C# Foreach Loop
2308 - C# Classes
2350 - Basics of Overloading and Inheritance with C#
2330 - Defining and Using Arrays in C#
2310 - C# Variables, Variable Scope and Modifier
2311 - C# Constants
2312 - C# Structs
2313 - C# Enumerations
2314 - C# Type Conversions
2315 - C# Checked and Unchecked Statements
2380 - C# Delegate Basics
2351 - Operator Overloading
2320 - Structured Exception Handling
2321 - Coding Exception Handling into your App
size:18.3 MB
size after extracting :27.9 MB
2301 - C# Hello World and Creating Console Applications
2302 - C# If Statement
2303 - C# Switch Statement
2304 - C# For Loop
2305 - C# While Loop
2306 - C# Do Loop
2307 - C# Foreach Loop
2308 - C# Classes
2350 - Basics of Overloading and Inheritance with C#
2330 - Defining and Using Arrays in C#
2310 - C# Variables, Variable Scope and Modifier
2311 - C# Constants
2312 - C# Structs
2313 - C# Enumerations
2314 - C# Type Conversions
2315 - C# Checked and Unchecked Statements
2380 - C# Delegate Basics
2351 - Operator Overloading
2320 - Structured Exception Handling
2321 - Coding Exception Handling into your App
Beginning VB.NET
size:41.3 MB
size after extracting :117 MB
2001 - Getting Started
2002 - VB.NET Hello World and Creating Console Apps
2003 - Beginning Variables and Data Types
2004 - Operators, Expressions and Statements
2005 - What Just Went Wrong?
2006 - More About Console Applications
2007 - If, Then, Else
2008 - Select Case
2009 - While Statement
2010 - Do ... Loop Statements
2011 - For ... Next Statements
2020 - Structured Exception Handling in VB.NET
2021 - Coding Exception Handling into your Application
2030 - Introduction to Collections in VB.NET
2031 - Array Collection
2032 - ArrayList Collection
2033 - Queue Collection
2034 - Sorting IList Collections
2035 - Working with Multiple Elements of IList Collections
2036 - ListDictionary Collection
2037 - HashTable Collection
2038 - HybridDictionary Collection
2039 - SortedList Collection
2040 - Enumerating Through IDictionary Collections
2041 - Implementing IEnumerable and IEnumerator in Collections
021403 - Conditional Compilation
031103 - Setting Option Strict
032703 - Creating a Windows Service
042803 - VB.NET 2003 Loop Variable Declaration
Object Oriented VB.NET
size:69.8 MB
size after extracting :152 MB
2101 - Understanding Classes and Objects
2102 - Creating Methods
2103 - Understanding Overloaded Methods
2104 - Constructors and Destructors
2105 - Creating and Referencing Assemblies
2106 - Understanding Namespaces
2107 - Inheritance Basics
2180 - VB.NET Delegate Basics
9004 - XML Object Serialization
051903 - Inheritance Basics
052003 - Polymorphism Basics
052103 - Favor Composition Over Inheritance
052203 - Find What Varies and Encapsulate It
052303 - Strategy Design Pattern
052703 - Interface Basics
052803 - Program to Interfaces and not to Implementations
052903 - More About Scoping and Interfaces
053003 - Abstract Factory Design Pattern
060303 - GRASP: High Cohesion
060403 - GRASP: Low Coupling
060503 - GRASP: Controller
060603 - GRASP: Expert
061003 - GRASP: Pure Fabrication
060903 - GRASP: Creator
061103 - GRASP: Indirection
061203 - GRASP: Dont Talk to Strangers
061303 - Model-View Seperation Pattern
061703 - GoF Creation Patterns: Singleton
061903 - GoF Creation Patterns: Builder
062003 - GoF Creation Patterns: Prototype
062303 - GoF Structural Patterns: Adapter
062403 - GoF Structural Patterns: Bridge
062503 - GoF Structural Patterns: Composite
062603 - GoF Structural Patterns: Decorator
062703 - GoF Structural Patterns: Facade
072803 - GoF Structural Patterns: Flyweight
073003 - GoF Structural Patterns: Proxy
080103 - GoF Behavioral Patterns: Chain of Responsibility
080403 - GoF Behavioral Patterns: Command
080603 - GoF Behavioral Patterns: Interpreter
080803 - GoF Behavioral Patterns: Iterator
size:41.3 MB
size after extracting :117 MB
2001 - Getting Started
2002 - VB.NET Hello World and Creating Console Apps
2003 - Beginning Variables and Data Types
2004 - Operators, Expressions and Statements
2005 - What Just Went Wrong?
2006 - More About Console Applications
2007 - If, Then, Else
2008 - Select Case
2009 - While Statement
2010 - Do ... Loop Statements
2011 - For ... Next Statements
2020 - Structured Exception Handling in VB.NET
2021 - Coding Exception Handling into your Application
2030 - Introduction to Collections in VB.NET
2031 - Array Collection
2032 - ArrayList Collection
2033 - Queue Collection
2034 - Sorting IList Collections
2035 - Working with Multiple Elements of IList Collections
2036 - ListDictionary Collection
2037 - HashTable Collection
2038 - HybridDictionary Collection
2039 - SortedList Collection
2040 - Enumerating Through IDictionary Collections
2041 - Implementing IEnumerable and IEnumerator in Collections
021403 - Conditional Compilation
031103 - Setting Option Strict
032703 - Creating a Windows Service
042803 - VB.NET 2003 Loop Variable Declaration
Object Oriented VB.NET
size:69.8 MB
size after extracting :152 MB
2101 - Understanding Classes and Objects
2102 - Creating Methods
2103 - Understanding Overloaded Methods
2104 - Constructors and Destructors
2105 - Creating and Referencing Assemblies
2106 - Understanding Namespaces
2107 - Inheritance Basics
2180 - VB.NET Delegate Basics
9004 - XML Object Serialization
051903 - Inheritance Basics
052003 - Polymorphism Basics
052103 - Favor Composition Over Inheritance
052203 - Find What Varies and Encapsulate It
052303 - Strategy Design Pattern
052703 - Interface Basics
052803 - Program to Interfaces and not to Implementations
052903 - More About Scoping and Interfaces
053003 - Abstract Factory Design Pattern
060303 - GRASP: High Cohesion
060403 - GRASP: Low Coupling
060503 - GRASP: Controller
060603 - GRASP: Expert
061003 - GRASP: Pure Fabrication
060903 - GRASP: Creator
061103 - GRASP: Indirection
061203 - GRASP: Dont Talk to Strangers
061303 - Model-View Seperation Pattern
061703 - GoF Creation Patterns: Singleton
061903 - GoF Creation Patterns: Builder
062003 - GoF Creation Patterns: Prototype
062303 - GoF Structural Patterns: Adapter
062403 - GoF Structural Patterns: Bridge
062503 - GoF Structural Patterns: Composite
062603 - GoF Structural Patterns: Decorator
062703 - GoF Structural Patterns: Facade
072803 - GoF Structural Patterns: Flyweight
073003 - GoF Structural Patterns: Proxy
080103 - GoF Behavioral Patterns: Chain of Responsibility
080403 - GoF Behavioral Patterns: Command
080603 - GoF Behavioral Patterns: Interpreter
080803 - GoF Behavioral Patterns: Iterator
Visual Studio.NET IDE Proficiency
Visual Studio.NET IDE Proficiency
size:37.5 MB
size after extracting :50.2 MB
1001 - Start Page
1002 - Main Area
1003 - Working with Windows
1004 - Working with Toolbars
1006 - Creating a New Project
1007 - Opening and Closing a Project
1008 - Understanding Solutions and Projects
1009 - Adding a Project to a Solution
1010 - Using the Solution Explorer
1011 - File Management within Projects
1015 - Understanding Designer Generated Code
1016 - Code Window: Keyboard Shortcuts
1017 - Code Window: Intellisense
1018 - Code Window: Using Dynamic Help
1019 - Code Window: Organizing Code with Regions
1020 - Code Window: Navigating Through Code
1030 - Defining Breakpoints and Stepping Through Code
1031 - Advanced Breakpoint Techniques
1040 - Server Explorer's SQL Server Integration
1025 - Using the Tasklist
1012 - Starting Multiple Projects within a Solution
1050 - Understanding the TargetSchema
1060 - Using Macros
013103 - Using the Watch Window
020503 - Using the Command Window
020603 - Creating Templates
021003 - Hyperlinks in your Comments
021103 - Launching External Tools
021903 - Layout and Positioning Toolbar
031003 - Turn on your Line Numbering!
041703 - The Browse With ... Tool
042903 - VS.NET 2003 DB Password Saving Options
050503 - Correcting VS.NET Debugging Problems
size:37.5 MB
size after extracting :50.2 MB
1001 - Start Page
1002 - Main Area
1003 - Working with Windows
1004 - Working with Toolbars
1006 - Creating a New Project
1007 - Opening and Closing a Project
1008 - Understanding Solutions and Projects
1009 - Adding a Project to a Solution
1010 - Using the Solution Explorer
1011 - File Management within Projects
1015 - Understanding Designer Generated Code
1016 - Code Window: Keyboard Shortcuts
1017 - Code Window: Intellisense
1018 - Code Window: Using Dynamic Help
1019 - Code Window: Organizing Code with Regions
1020 - Code Window: Navigating Through Code
1030 - Defining Breakpoints and Stepping Through Code
1031 - Advanced Breakpoint Techniques
1040 - Server Explorer's SQL Server Integration
1025 - Using the Tasklist
1012 - Starting Multiple Projects within a Solution
1050 - Understanding the TargetSchema
1060 - Using Macros
013103 - Using the Watch Window
020503 - Using the Command Window
020603 - Creating Templates
021003 - Hyperlinks in your Comments
021103 - Launching External Tools
021903 - Layout and Positioning Toolbar
031003 - Turn on your Line Numbering!
041703 - The Browse With ... Tool
042903 - VS.NET 2003 DB Password Saving Options
050503 - Correcting VS.NET Debugging Problems
Plank.NET eCommerce Project
Plank.NET eCommerce Project
size:11.8 MB
size after extracting :28.1 MB
ASP10_01 - Episode 1 - Introduction to the Plank.NET Project
ASP10_02 - Episode 2 - Plank.NET: Microsoft Solutions Framework
ASP10_03 - Episode 3 - Plank.NET: Gathering Information and Organizing it with Use Cases
ASP10_04 - Episode 4 - Plank.NET: Creating the Use Case Diagram
ASP10_05 - Episode 5 - Plank.NET: Assembling the Team and Creating Informal Requirements
ASP10_06 - Episode 6 - Plank.NET: Beginning the Vision / Scope Document
Visual Source Safe Series
size:12.3 MB
size after extracting :33.5 MB
VSS01_01 - Installing and Setting Up Visual Source Safe
VSS01_02 - Basic VSS Workflow
VSS01_03 - VSS Integration in VS.NET
size:11.8 MB
size after extracting :28.1 MB
ASP10_01 - Episode 1 - Introduction to the Plank.NET Project
ASP10_02 - Episode 2 - Plank.NET: Microsoft Solutions Framework
ASP10_03 - Episode 3 - Plank.NET: Gathering Information and Organizing it with Use Cases
ASP10_04 - Episode 4 - Plank.NET: Creating the Use Case Diagram
ASP10_05 - Episode 5 - Plank.NET: Assembling the Team and Creating Informal Requirements
ASP10_06 - Episode 6 - Plank.NET: Beginning the Vision / Scope Document
Visual Source Safe Series
size:12.3 MB
size after extracting :33.5 MB
VSS01_01 - Installing and Setting Up Visual Source Safe
VSS01_02 - Basic VSS Workflow
VSS01_03 - VSS Integration in VS.NET
C# for Beginners to Programming Workbook and Videos
C# for Beginners to Programming Workbook and Videos
size:192 MB
size after extracting :319 MB
BEGIN2_Questions - Workbook QUESTIONS
BEGIN2_Answers - Workbook ANSWERS
BEGIN2_01 - Lesson 1 - What is Computer Programming?
BEGIN2_02 - Lesson 2 - Computer Programming Workflow
BEGIN2_03 - Lesson 3 - Obtaining the Tools You'll Need
BEGIN2_04 - Lesson 4 - Creating a User Interface
BEGIN2_04EX - Lesson 4 - Exercise
BEGIN2_Orientation - BEGIN2 - Orientation
BEGIN2_05 - Lesson 5 - Handling Events
BEGIN2_05EX - Lesson 5 - Exercise
BEGIN2_06 - Lesson 6 - Setting Properties in Code
BEGIN2_06EX - Lesson 6 - Exercise
BEGIN2_07 - Lesson 7 - Data Type Variable Declaration
BEGIN2_07EX - Lesson 7 - Exercise
BEGIN2_08 - Lesson 8 - Statements
BEGIN2_09 - Lesson 9 - Program Flow
BEGIN2_09EX - Lesson 9 - Exercise
BEGIN2_10 - Lesson 10 - Methods
BEGIN2_10EX - Lesson 10 - Exercise
BEGIN2_11 - Lesson 11 - Object Oriented Programming with Classes
BEGIN2_12 - Lesson 12 - Fields, Properties and Methods
BEGIN2_12EX - Lesson 12 - Exercise
BEGIN2_13 - Lesson 13 - Object Lifetime
BEGIN2_13EX - Lesson 13 - Exercise
BEGIN2_14 - Lesson 14 - What is the .NET Framework?
BEGIN2_15 - Lesson 15 - Keeping Track of Data with Arrays
BEGIN2_15EX - Lesson 15 - Exercise
BEGIN2_16 - Lesson 16 - Obtaining Data from a Text File
BEGIN2_16EX - Lesson 16 - Exercise
BEGIN2_17 - Lesson 17 - Obtaining Data from a Database
BEGIN2_18 - Lesson 18 - Databinding Data to User Interface Controls
BEGIN2_18EX - Lesson 18 - Exercise
BEGIN2_19 - Lesson 19 - Inserting, Updating and Deleting Data in a Database
BEGIN2_20 - Lesson 20 - Handling Exceptions
BEGIN2_21 - Lesson 21 - Debugging Applications
BEGIN2_22 - Lesson 22 - Building an ASP.NET Application
BEGIN2_22EX - Lesson 22 - Exercise
BEGIN2_CODE - BEGIN2 - Source Code
BEGIN2_LoadingSource - BEGIN2 - Loading Source Code
size:192 MB
size after extracting :319 MB
BEGIN2_Questions - Workbook QUESTIONS
BEGIN2_Answers - Workbook ANSWERS
BEGIN2_01 - Lesson 1 - What is Computer Programming?
BEGIN2_02 - Lesson 2 - Computer Programming Workflow
BEGIN2_03 - Lesson 3 - Obtaining the Tools You'll Need
BEGIN2_04 - Lesson 4 - Creating a User Interface
BEGIN2_04EX - Lesson 4 - Exercise
BEGIN2_Orientation - BEGIN2 - Orientation
BEGIN2_05 - Lesson 5 - Handling Events
BEGIN2_05EX - Lesson 5 - Exercise
BEGIN2_06 - Lesson 6 - Setting Properties in Code
BEGIN2_06EX - Lesson 6 - Exercise
BEGIN2_07 - Lesson 7 - Data Type Variable Declaration
BEGIN2_07EX - Lesson 7 - Exercise
BEGIN2_08 - Lesson 8 - Statements
BEGIN2_09 - Lesson 9 - Program Flow
BEGIN2_09EX - Lesson 9 - Exercise
BEGIN2_10 - Lesson 10 - Methods
BEGIN2_10EX - Lesson 10 - Exercise
BEGIN2_11 - Lesson 11 - Object Oriented Programming with Classes
BEGIN2_12 - Lesson 12 - Fields, Properties and Methods
BEGIN2_12EX - Lesson 12 - Exercise
BEGIN2_13 - Lesson 13 - Object Lifetime
BEGIN2_13EX - Lesson 13 - Exercise
BEGIN2_14 - Lesson 14 - What is the .NET Framework?
BEGIN2_15 - Lesson 15 - Keeping Track of Data with Arrays
BEGIN2_15EX - Lesson 15 - Exercise
BEGIN2_16 - Lesson 16 - Obtaining Data from a Text File
BEGIN2_16EX - Lesson 16 - Exercise
BEGIN2_17 - Lesson 17 - Obtaining Data from a Database
BEGIN2_18 - Lesson 18 - Databinding Data to User Interface Controls
BEGIN2_18EX - Lesson 18 - Exercise
BEGIN2_19 - Lesson 19 - Inserting, Updating and Deleting Data in a Database
BEGIN2_20 - Lesson 20 - Handling Exceptions
BEGIN2_21 - Lesson 21 - Debugging Applications
BEGIN2_22 - Lesson 22 - Building an ASP.NET Application
BEGIN2_22EX - Lesson 22 - Exercise
BEGIN2_CODE - BEGIN2 - Source Code
BEGIN2_LoadingSource - BEGIN2 - Loading Source Code
VB.NET for Beginners to Programming Workbook and Videos
VB.NET for Beginners to Programming Workbook and Videos
size:116 MB
size after extracting :248 MB
BEGIN1_Questions - Workbook QUESTIONS
BEGIN1_Answers - Workbook ANSWERS
BEGIN1_Orientation - BEGIN1 - Orientation
BEGIN1_01 - Lesson 1 - What is Computer Programming?
BEGIN1_02 - Lesson 2 - Computer Programming Workflow
BEGIN1_03 - Lesson 3 - Obtaining the Tools You'll Need
BEGIN1_04 - Lesson 4 - Creating a User Interface
BEGIN1_04EX - Lesson 4 - Exercise
BEGIN1_05 - Lesson 5 - Handling Events
BEGIN1_05EX - Lesson 5 - Exercise
BEGIN1_06 - Lesson 6 - Setting Properties in Code
BEGIN1_06EX - Lesson 6 - Exercise
BEGIN1_07 - Lesson 7 - Data Types, Variables and Variable Declaration
BEGIN1_07EX - Lesson 7 - Exercise
BEGIN1_08 - Lesson 8 - Statements
BEGIN1_09 - Lesson 9 - Procedures - Sub-Routines and Functions
BEGIN1_09EX - Lesson 9 - Exercise
BEGIN1_10 - Lesson 10 - Program Flow
BEGIN1_10EX - Lesson 10 - Exercise
BEGIN1_11 - Lesson 11 - Re-Using Code in Modules
BEGIN1_11EX - Lesson 11 - Exercise
BEGIN1_12 - Lesson 12 - Object Oriented Programming with Classes
BEGIN1_13 - Lesson 13 - Fields, Properties and Methods
BEGIN1_13EX - Lesson 13 - Exercise
BEGIN1_14 - Lesson 14 - Object Lifetime
BEGIN1_14EX - Lesson 14 - Exercise
BEGIN1_15 - Lesson 15 - What is the .NET Framework?
BEGIN1_16 - Lesson 16 - Keeping Track of Data with Arrays
BEGIN1_16EX - Lesson 16 - Exercise
BEGIN1_17 - Lesson 17 - Obtaining Data from a Text File
BEGIN1_17EX - Lesson 17 - Exercise
BEGIN1_18 - Lesson 18 - Obtaining Data from a Database
BEGIN1_18EX - Lesson 18 - Exercise
BEGIN1_19 - Lesson 19 - Data-binding Data to User Interface Controls
BEGIN1_19EX - Lesson 19 - Exercise
BEGIN1_20 - Lesson 20 - Inserting, Updating and Deleting Data in a Database
BEGIN1_21 - Lesson 21 - Handling Exceptions
BEGIN1_22 - Lesson 22 - Debugging Applications
BEGIN1_23 - Lesson 23 - Building an ASP.NET Application
BEGIN1_23EX - Lesson 23 - Exercise
BEGIN1_Code - Source Code for BEGIN1 Series
BEGIN1_LoadingSource - Loading Source Code for the BEGIN1 Series
size:116 MB
size after extracting :248 MB
BEGIN1_Questions - Workbook QUESTIONS
BEGIN1_Answers - Workbook ANSWERS
BEGIN1_Orientation - BEGIN1 - Orientation
BEGIN1_01 - Lesson 1 - What is Computer Programming?
BEGIN1_02 - Lesson 2 - Computer Programming Workflow
BEGIN1_03 - Lesson 3 - Obtaining the Tools You'll Need
BEGIN1_04 - Lesson 4 - Creating a User Interface
BEGIN1_04EX - Lesson 4 - Exercise
BEGIN1_05 - Lesson 5 - Handling Events
BEGIN1_05EX - Lesson 5 - Exercise
BEGIN1_06 - Lesson 6 - Setting Properties in Code
BEGIN1_06EX - Lesson 6 - Exercise
BEGIN1_07 - Lesson 7 - Data Types, Variables and Variable Declaration
BEGIN1_07EX - Lesson 7 - Exercise
BEGIN1_08 - Lesson 8 - Statements
BEGIN1_09 - Lesson 9 - Procedures - Sub-Routines and Functions
BEGIN1_09EX - Lesson 9 - Exercise
BEGIN1_10 - Lesson 10 - Program Flow
BEGIN1_10EX - Lesson 10 - Exercise
BEGIN1_11 - Lesson 11 - Re-Using Code in Modules
BEGIN1_11EX - Lesson 11 - Exercise
BEGIN1_12 - Lesson 12 - Object Oriented Programming with Classes
BEGIN1_13 - Lesson 13 - Fields, Properties and Methods
BEGIN1_13EX - Lesson 13 - Exercise
BEGIN1_14 - Lesson 14 - Object Lifetime
BEGIN1_14EX - Lesson 14 - Exercise
BEGIN1_15 - Lesson 15 - What is the .NET Framework?
BEGIN1_16 - Lesson 16 - Keeping Track of Data with Arrays
BEGIN1_16EX - Lesson 16 - Exercise
BEGIN1_17 - Lesson 17 - Obtaining Data from a Text File
BEGIN1_17EX - Lesson 17 - Exercise
BEGIN1_18 - Lesson 18 - Obtaining Data from a Database
BEGIN1_18EX - Lesson 18 - Exercise
BEGIN1_19 - Lesson 19 - Data-binding Data to User Interface Controls
BEGIN1_19EX - Lesson 19 - Exercise
BEGIN1_20 - Lesson 20 - Inserting, Updating and Deleting Data in a Database
BEGIN1_21 - Lesson 21 - Handling Exceptions
BEGIN1_22 - Lesson 22 - Debugging Applications
BEGIN1_23 - Lesson 23 - Building an ASP.NET Application
BEGIN1_23EX - Lesson 23 - Exercise
BEGIN1_Code - Source Code for BEGIN1 Series
BEGIN1_LoadingSource - Loading Source Code for the BEGIN1 Series
All ( Videos 3GB compressed to 1.7 GB, learn programming from A to Z
All ( Videos 3GB compressed to 1.7 GB, learn programming from A to Z
this is all videos of the site (
u can find alote of things like:
visual basic - c# - -Visual Web Developer 2005 - sql server
and alote of other things
all size 1.7 GB and it will become 2.9 GB after extracting
and this is a list of all courses of the topic ( every course have a lot of lessons )
VB.NET for Beginners to Programming Workbook and Videos
C# for Beginners to Programming Workbook and Videos
Plank.NET eCommerce Project
Visual Source Safe Series
Visual Studio.NET IDE Proficiency
Beginning VB.NET
Object Oriented VB.NET
Beginning C#
Visual Studio.NET XML Designer
ASP.NET Web Forms
ASP.NET Web Form Controls
Windows Forms
ASP.NET Data Binding in VS.NET
Configuration, Deployment and Security
ASP.NET Web Services
.NET Remoting Series
IBuySpy Portal Series
ASP.NET Web Matrix
Crystal Reports
ASP.NET Server Controls
.NET Framework Threading
.NET Framework Basics
.NET Framework Class Library
SDKs, Tools, Utilities and 3rd Party Components
Visual Studio.NET 2005 Beta
Web Service Enhancements 2.0
IDE Proficiency Series for Visual Studio.NET 2003
Visual Studio Team System Features
Visual Basic 2005 Express Edition for Beginners
Visual C# 2005 Express Edition for Beginners
Getting Started with Visual Web Developer 2005 Express Edition
Getting Started with SQL Server 2005 Express Edition
Windows Forms Controls Series (2005)
and this is courses details and links:
this is all videos of the site (
u can find alote of things like:
visual basic - c# - -Visual Web Developer 2005 - sql server
and alote of other things
all size 1.7 GB and it will become 2.9 GB after extracting
and this is a list of all courses of the topic ( every course have a lot of lessons )
VB.NET for Beginners to Programming Workbook and Videos
C# for Beginners to Programming Workbook and Videos
Plank.NET eCommerce Project
Visual Source Safe Series
Visual Studio.NET IDE Proficiency
Beginning VB.NET
Object Oriented VB.NET
Beginning C#
Visual Studio.NET XML Designer
ASP.NET Web Forms
ASP.NET Web Form Controls
Windows Forms
ASP.NET Data Binding in VS.NET
Configuration, Deployment and Security
ASP.NET Web Services
.NET Remoting Series
IBuySpy Portal Series
ASP.NET Web Matrix
Crystal Reports
ASP.NET Server Controls
.NET Framework Threading
.NET Framework Basics
.NET Framework Class Library
SDKs, Tools, Utilities and 3rd Party Components
Visual Studio.NET 2005 Beta
Web Service Enhancements 2.0
IDE Proficiency Series for Visual Studio.NET 2003
Visual Studio Team System Features
Visual Basic 2005 Express Edition for Beginners
Visual C# 2005 Express Edition for Beginners
Getting Started with Visual Web Developer 2005 Express Edition
Getting Started with SQL Server 2005 Express Edition
Windows Forms Controls Series (2005)
and this is courses details and links:
PHP Basics
An In Depth Beginner Course For Anyone Getting Started With PHP
Topics taught include:
- Using PHP in HTML documents
- Variable Types
- If / Else Statements
- For Statements
- Switch Statements
- While Loops
- Mathematical Operators
- Include Statements
- Functions
- Arrays
- Connecting to MySQL and Writing Values from the Database to HTML
PHP Basics
An In Depth Beginner Course For Anyone Getting Started With PHP
Topics taught include:
- Using PHP in HTML documents
- Variable Types
- If / Else Statements
- For Statements
- Switch Statements
- While Loops
- Mathematical Operators
- Include Statements
- Functions
- Arrays
- Connecting to MySQL and Writing Values from the Database to HTML Website from Scratch Website from Scratch
Anyone who has completed my first lot of free lessons would benefit from this course. It's for beginners who are just starting out and want to know how you can layout a function based database application. If you already know all of the topics covered do not buy this lesson. Save your money and time for the advanced lessons!
Quick break down of topics covered.
Simple function based application, Dynamic MySQL queries, Website search engine with fulltext search and categories!, Creating RSS feeds, Alternate row colors for results, Inserting data into MySQL via a form, Simple validation and heaps more!!
What is the end result?
By the end of the lessons you'll have created a MySQL and PHP driven Job Board from scratch. You code every line along with me. Job Boards are extemely popular. 37 signals , Fresh Web Jobs are just a couple of examples making big dollars from them! Best of all jobs fall into categories and need to be searched and so does everything else you'll ever build. This course will give you those skills along with many more tips and tricks!
What Format is the video?
It's Flash video format 900 * 700 pixels! and you instantly download it to your computer! and it works on all Operating Systems. It sits in a HTML page so all you need is a browser and flash player installed! to easy.
How is the course structured?
It's 6 lessons 3 1/2 hours with all source code provided! I saved the code at the end of every lesson so you can start from any lesson you like. Starting from the beginning and coding every line along with me is the best way though! you'll learn more and have a better understanding of how everything works.
Lesson 01 - Introduction
We talk about what we are going to build.
Lesson 02 - Setting up the database
Create our database and set up the tables we are going to need. We set up fulltext searching and run a bunch of MySQL queries and I explain all of them.
Lesson 03 - PHP to MySql
Now we dive head first into connecting to MySQL from PHP. We create some really cool functions the best one is our dynamic query function! If you have never made a website search this will blow your mind! you'll be putting together awesome dynamic queries after this lesson.
Lesson 04 - Layouts, views, templates
Our Application needs a layout so using some simple logic we set up a cool Templating system!
Lesson 05 - Forms Alive and RSS
Add functionality to our application and create an RSS feed! It's Alive!! HOORAY!
Lesson 06 - Forms to Database and Simple Validation
Last of all we make our form talk to MySQL and add some simple validation.
We are done! :) It's a great ride and fun too! I had a blast doing this course, I'm back to my old silly ways.
Anyone who has completed my first lot of free lessons would benefit from this course. It's for beginners who are just starting out and want to know how you can layout a function based database application. If you already know all of the topics covered do not buy this lesson. Save your money and time for the advanced lessons!
Quick break down of topics covered.
Simple function based application, Dynamic MySQL queries, Website search engine with fulltext search and categories!, Creating RSS feeds, Alternate row colors for results, Inserting data into MySQL via a form, Simple validation and heaps more!!
What is the end result?
By the end of the lessons you'll have created a MySQL and PHP driven Job Board from scratch. You code every line along with me. Job Boards are extemely popular. 37 signals , Fresh Web Jobs are just a couple of examples making big dollars from them! Best of all jobs fall into categories and need to be searched and so does everything else you'll ever build. This course will give you those skills along with many more tips and tricks!
What Format is the video?
It's Flash video format 900 * 700 pixels! and you instantly download it to your computer! and it works on all Operating Systems. It sits in a HTML page so all you need is a browser and flash player installed! to easy.
How is the course structured?
It's 6 lessons 3 1/2 hours with all source code provided! I saved the code at the end of every lesson so you can start from any lesson you like. Starting from the beginning and coding every line along with me is the best way though! you'll learn more and have a better understanding of how everything works.
Lesson 01 - Introduction
We talk about what we are going to build.
Lesson 02 - Setting up the database
Create our database and set up the tables we are going to need. We set up fulltext searching and run a bunch of MySQL queries and I explain all of them.
Lesson 03 - PHP to MySql
Now we dive head first into connecting to MySQL from PHP. We create some really cool functions the best one is our dynamic query function! If you have never made a website search this will blow your mind! you'll be putting together awesome dynamic queries after this lesson.
Lesson 04 - Layouts, views, templates
Our Application needs a layout so using some simple logic we set up a cool Templating system!
Lesson 05 - Forms Alive and RSS
Add functionality to our application and create an RSS feed! It's Alive!! HOORAY!
Lesson 06 - Forms to Database and Simple Validation
Last of all we make our form talk to MySQL and add some simple validation.
We are done! :) It's a great ride and fun too! I had a blast doing this course, I'm back to my old silly ways.
CBTNugget-Zen PHP 5
CBTNugget-Zen PHP 5
Start programming PHP web sites and applications right away!
PHP is powerful -- yet more simple than many other server-side scripting languages. It works on almost any platform you can imagine -- including Windows, Linux, Mac, and Unix. And with PHP you'll be creating and editing dynamic web sites quickly.
Many common content management and open source web applications are built in PHP. Once you know the basics, the world is at your fingertips because you can edit these applications to do whatever you need.
PHP offers great flexibility and has a very low barrier to entry -- with this training you'll be well on your way to developing full-featured dynamic websites using PHP.
What you'll learn includes:
the PHP basics
integrating PHP with html for dynamic web pages
interfacing with MySQL and other databases
creating advanced functions
writing object-oriented PHP
keeping your code secure
working with XML data
and a whole lot more!
The CBT Nuggets Zend PHP 5 Certification Pack video series lets you go at your own pace. The PHP instruction is broken down video-by-video into bite-sized nuggets. From the first video, you'll be applying what you learn to create dynamic web sites and web applications.
Here's what's in each of the these PHP videos:
Video 1 - "An Introduction to PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor)" - Find out what PHP can do for you. In this introductory video, trainer Julie Johnson describes PHP's prerequisites, requirements and new features. Then she shows you the exact steps to properly install PHP.
Video 2 - "PHP Language Basics" - Writing useable PHP means following proper syntax. This video gives you that basic syntax. It also clarifies the data types and variables you can use. You'll learn the operators you need for data manipulation and discover how to use PHP's control structures.
Video 3 - "Handling PHP and HTML Forms" - This video shows you how to create HTML forms and use PHP to capture data from that form. You'll find out how to handle quotation marks and other special characters in PHP. You'll also learn about "including and requiring files" to handle repeated information.
Video 4 - "PHP Strings and regular expressions" - Julie shows you everything you need to know about PHP strings from the ground up in this video. First you'll learn how to define strings. Then, you'll see examples of PHP string and regular-expression functions and learn how to use them.
Video 5 - "Working with PHP Arrays" - The data you collect on your site will often be complex. PHP arrays help you deal with the complexity. This video explains PHP arrays and teaches you how to declare and print them. You'll also learn some useful array functions.
Video 6 - "Using MySQL database with PHP" - Once your PHP program starts gathering user data, you'll need a database to store that information. In this video, Julie shows you how to create MySql databases and tables and how to connect with them via PHP. You'll learn how to select and modify this data
Video 7 - "PHP functions" - PHP's user-defined functions help you handle redundant procedures without rewriting code each time. This video covers function arguments and return values and PHP's function types: recursive, embedded and variable.
Video 8 - "Object-oriented PHP" - Sometimes you want to create Web objects that look real-world to end users. In this video, Julie discusses the basic PHP tools that give you this power. These include classes, interfaces, class introspection, class auto-loading and selected more-advanced topics.
Video 9 - "Handling Exceptions" - Lots of things can go wrong in PHP code unrelated to syntax. This video shows you how to handle PHP exceptions (called throwing and catching.) Julie also explains custom exception classes and setting PHP error reporting
Video 10 - "Managing Files" - Some data, especially when sent in large files, requires special PHP treatment. In this video you'll lead about uploading, reading and writing files in PHP. You'll also get an introductory peek at streaming.
Video 11 - "Streams and Sockets" - Data streaming is one of the Web's most talked-about features. In this video, Julie uses lifelike examples to show you how file streaming works. You'll learn all about sockets, which manage the back-and-forth character of streaming, and be introduced to PHP URL Streams
Video 12 - "PHP and XML" - XML is a portable markup language without predefined tags. It's often used to send and receive Web messages and to create configuration files for Web servers. This video looks at the basics of XML. You'll see how it's used, how it's validated with DTDs or XML Schema and how it's parsed with Sax or Dom.
Video 13 - "PHP and Web services" - Drawing on external Web resources can save you PHP programming time. This video highlights Web services and their supporting SOA and REST architectures. It also shows you how to access and implement Web services with PHP.
Video 14 - "PHP Security" - Lax security can undermine your best PHP application. This video explains how to configure PHP, use Cross-site Scripting (XSS) and filter your user input by validating the input before it gets to the back end. Existing resources are pointed out whenever possible.
Video 15 - "PHP Web Features" - Sessions and cookies help PHP remember where it's been and what it once knew. This video shows you how to configure and use these important tools. You'll also learn how to configure HTTP headers for redirecting Web traffic.
Real world PHP development skills plus exam prep for Zend PHP 5 Certification
In the Zend PHP 5 Certification Package, you'll learn the skills you need to start developing and modifying dynamic web sites and web applications using the PHP server-side scripting language. Plus the content maps to exam objectives for the Zend PHP 5 Zend Certified Engineer (ZCE) certification, so you can prove your PHP skills and have something to show web development clients and employers.
To get the most from this training, it helps to have a basic understanding of creating and managing websites, such as CIW Associate Certification or equivalent knowledge.
Zend PHP 5 Certification Package Contains:
- Intro to PHP (free video!)
- PHP Language Basics
- PHP and Forms
- PHP Web Features
- Strings and Regular expressions
- Working with Arrays
- Working with Databases
- PHP Functions
- Object-Oriented PHP
- Handling Exceptions
- Managing Files
- Streams and Sockets
- Web Services
- PHP Security
Start programming PHP web sites and applications right away!
PHP is powerful -- yet more simple than many other server-side scripting languages. It works on almost any platform you can imagine -- including Windows, Linux, Mac, and Unix. And with PHP you'll be creating and editing dynamic web sites quickly.
Many common content management and open source web applications are built in PHP. Once you know the basics, the world is at your fingertips because you can edit these applications to do whatever you need.
PHP offers great flexibility and has a very low barrier to entry -- with this training you'll be well on your way to developing full-featured dynamic websites using PHP.
What you'll learn includes:
the PHP basics
integrating PHP with html for dynamic web pages
interfacing with MySQL and other databases
creating advanced functions
writing object-oriented PHP
keeping your code secure
working with XML data
and a whole lot more!
The CBT Nuggets Zend PHP 5 Certification Pack video series lets you go at your own pace. The PHP instruction is broken down video-by-video into bite-sized nuggets. From the first video, you'll be applying what you learn to create dynamic web sites and web applications.
Here's what's in each of the these PHP videos:
Video 1 - "An Introduction to PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor)" - Find out what PHP can do for you. In this introductory video, trainer Julie Johnson describes PHP's prerequisites, requirements and new features. Then she shows you the exact steps to properly install PHP.
Video 2 - "PHP Language Basics" - Writing useable PHP means following proper syntax. This video gives you that basic syntax. It also clarifies the data types and variables you can use. You'll learn the operators you need for data manipulation and discover how to use PHP's control structures.
Video 3 - "Handling PHP and HTML Forms" - This video shows you how to create HTML forms and use PHP to capture data from that form. You'll find out how to handle quotation marks and other special characters in PHP. You'll also learn about "including and requiring files" to handle repeated information.
Video 4 - "PHP Strings and regular expressions" - Julie shows you everything you need to know about PHP strings from the ground up in this video. First you'll learn how to define strings. Then, you'll see examples of PHP string and regular-expression functions and learn how to use them.
Video 5 - "Working with PHP Arrays" - The data you collect on your site will often be complex. PHP arrays help you deal with the complexity. This video explains PHP arrays and teaches you how to declare and print them. You'll also learn some useful array functions.
Video 6 - "Using MySQL database with PHP" - Once your PHP program starts gathering user data, you'll need a database to store that information. In this video, Julie shows you how to create MySql databases and tables and how to connect with them via PHP. You'll learn how to select and modify this data
Video 7 - "PHP functions" - PHP's user-defined functions help you handle redundant procedures without rewriting code each time. This video covers function arguments and return values and PHP's function types: recursive, embedded and variable.
Video 8 - "Object-oriented PHP" - Sometimes you want to create Web objects that look real-world to end users. In this video, Julie discusses the basic PHP tools that give you this power. These include classes, interfaces, class introspection, class auto-loading and selected more-advanced topics.
Video 9 - "Handling Exceptions" - Lots of things can go wrong in PHP code unrelated to syntax. This video shows you how to handle PHP exceptions (called throwing and catching.) Julie also explains custom exception classes and setting PHP error reporting
Video 10 - "Managing Files" - Some data, especially when sent in large files, requires special PHP treatment. In this video you'll lead about uploading, reading and writing files in PHP. You'll also get an introductory peek at streaming.
Video 11 - "Streams and Sockets" - Data streaming is one of the Web's most talked-about features. In this video, Julie uses lifelike examples to show you how file streaming works. You'll learn all about sockets, which manage the back-and-forth character of streaming, and be introduced to PHP URL Streams
Video 12 - "PHP and XML" - XML is a portable markup language without predefined tags. It's often used to send and receive Web messages and to create configuration files for Web servers. This video looks at the basics of XML. You'll see how it's used, how it's validated with DTDs or XML Schema and how it's parsed with Sax or Dom.
Video 13 - "PHP and Web services" - Drawing on external Web resources can save you PHP programming time. This video highlights Web services and their supporting SOA and REST architectures. It also shows you how to access and implement Web services with PHP.
Video 14 - "PHP Security" - Lax security can undermine your best PHP application. This video explains how to configure PHP, use Cross-site Scripting (XSS) and filter your user input by validating the input before it gets to the back end. Existing resources are pointed out whenever possible.
Video 15 - "PHP Web Features" - Sessions and cookies help PHP remember where it's been and what it once knew. This video shows you how to configure and use these important tools. You'll also learn how to configure HTTP headers for redirecting Web traffic.
Real world PHP development skills plus exam prep for Zend PHP 5 Certification
In the Zend PHP 5 Certification Package, you'll learn the skills you need to start developing and modifying dynamic web sites and web applications using the PHP server-side scripting language. Plus the content maps to exam objectives for the Zend PHP 5 Zend Certified Engineer (ZCE) certification, so you can prove your PHP skills and have something to show web development clients and employers.
To get the most from this training, it helps to have a basic understanding of creating and managing websites, such as CIW Associate Certification or equivalent knowledge.
Zend PHP 5 Certification Package Contains:
- Intro to PHP (free video!)
- PHP Language Basics
- PHP and Forms
- PHP Web Features
- Strings and Regular expressions
- Working with Arrays
- Working with Databases
- PHP Functions
- Object-Oriented PHP
- Handling Exceptions
- Managing Files
- Streams and Sockets
- Web Services
- PHP Security
PHP Job Board From Scratch
PHP Job Board From Scratch
TITLE: Job Website from Scratch!
DATE: Feb 16 2008
TYPE: Tutorial, CD
Simple function based application, Dynamic MySQL queries,
Website search engine with fulltext search and categories!,
Creating RSS feeds, Alternate row colors for results, Inserting
data into MySQL via a form, Simple validation and heaps more!!
TITLE: Job Website from Scratch!
DATE: Feb 16 2008
TYPE: Tutorial, CD
Simple function based application, Dynamic MySQL queries,
Website search engine with fulltext search and categories!,
Creating RSS feeds, Alternate row colors for results, Inserting
data into MySQL via a form, Simple validation and heaps more!!
PHP Database Website From Scratch (Video Tutorial)
PHP Database Website From Scratch (Video Tutorial)
TITLE: Database Website From Scratch
DATE: Feb 16 2008
TYPE: Tutorial, CD
MySQL Database, Content Management System, Access Control (password),
Template System, Friendly URLs, Paging Results, WYSIWYG Editor, Forms,
Data Validation, Routing System, Sessions, MVC - how to layout your
application and more!
TITLE: Database Website From Scratch
DATE: Feb 16 2008
TYPE: Tutorial, CD
MySQL Database, Content Management System, Access Control (password),
Template System, Friendly URLs, Paging Results, WYSIWYG Editor, Forms,
Data Validation, Routing System, Sessions, MVC - how to layout your
application and more!
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